Monday 3 December 2012

Evaluation of Origins unit

An observational drawing for primary research.
One of my original photographs.
I started to develop my work by working from primary research, I drew from observation and took photographs of things that related to my concept of City Details. This research was the grounds to my project and helped me kick start the bulk of my work. The connection between my research and my practice was important, my research helped me to develop my skills in photoshop and illustrator. It was the basis of the work which I furthered developed with the skills I had learnt in the workshops.
I edited and selected ideas to develop further by the process of trial and experimentation. I worked with a number of my drawings further developing them in Photoshop, cutting and pasting them onto a range of garments to see which would fit into my collection. 

I was quite slow at starting this project, my motivation was lacking and I felt uninspired. I discovered that once I went out and explored my surroundings the idea of my concept and project slotted into place. This discovery will help me in future projects as I now know that to achieve my full potential I need to draw and collect as much research as possible from the very beginning. 
I have achieved a lot in this origins project, I have learnt new skills and feel confident working in Photoshop and Illustrator. I feel I can now relate my ideas confident through both these applications.
One of my final design boards.
The contextual references of the origins project helped my work, I felt they taught me new ways I could apply new techniques to my work and they showed me new ways to work with materials thus creating innovative ideas. 
During this project I was out of the studio a lot due to most of my research being observational work based on a journey through Manchester. Most of my independent study time was spent in the computer room working in CAD. I think i used my time wisely but in my next Sampling project I am going to try and spend more time drawing in the studio. I feel the creative space will help enhance and create new ideas.