Monday 12 May 2014

InDesign Meltdown

And everything was going so well..... We have had a very stressful day today, every possible thing that could've gone wrong has. As a group we are new to indesign and it was very hard to get our head around, we felt the layout wasn't working very well, it was almost too minimal and boring. As we weren't extremely confident with using indesign ,  our abilities were limited thus meaning we weren't able to let our creative skills loose. We felt this was holding our trend book back. Little things were also becoming very frustrating and problematic such as pages not printing out and matching up correctly. Too much time was spent on the logistics of the book rather than the layout and making it look refreshing and exciting. As a group we have decided to go back to photoshop, a software we all feel we can explore fully to create a layout which we feel best represents our trend. 
Learning InDesign has been very fruitful and inspiring, I feel I have a good knowledge of the basics which I can go on to further in third year.

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