Tuesday 11 March 2014

Unit X

Future Intelligence 
Today we were briefed by Alex on Part One of the trend project. We were put in groups, ours being a group of three. We were told to brainstorm and come  up with a trend factor that can affect how people interact with design.  To investigate what factors inspire and influence design. We are meant to research key issues and develop ideas to create a digitally based presentation. As a group we were interested in looking at Social and Environmental factors, the one that stood out to us most was the problem of overpopulation. 
We brainstormed this factor and came up with other issues resulting from this widespread problem. The few that we liked most as a group, was virus, multiple and natural disasters. After the tutorial with Alex we narrowed this down to virus and multiple, we felt these were the most interesting topics that we could create a trend out of and look at how these would affect design. We want to look at multiple - which is linked to overpopulation - the mass of things. Overpopulation and multiple people lead to virus which limits population. We want to look at the theme, Virus, not only literally but the idea of viral marketing, and how fashion companies use technology to make their campaigns viral. Now we have our theme we have to work with coming up with a name and a brief slideshow explaining and trying to inspire others with our trend. We need to decide and focus our trend looking at seasons, financial aspects and aesthetics. 


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